Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

Bilqis Desperately Need Donor Heart

Bilqis need donor heart, her parents who are expected to help, constrained blood type differences. From the initial checkup, medical teams Dokter Kariadi hospital, Semarang, Bilqis has blood type AB, while his mother, Farida Goddess (37) blood group A and his father, Doni Ardianta Passa (33) blood group B. One of the liver transplant team members, Hirlan, described the risk of tissue rejection is very large when the force of the donor liver transplantation a different blood type. Rejection reactions can be characterized by high body temperature, increased liver enzymes and increased white blood cells.

"The team will continue to review, after which the new later determined to find another donor or donors remain with the parents of one of the risks faced," said Hirlan in Semarang, Thursday, February 4.

Until now, the medical team had yet to determine the donor liver, in addition to Bilqis parents. Problem donors will be consulted with the family. The absence of these donors, have makes liver transplantation for bilqis not be certainty when it will be done.

The requirements for donating blood type heart include appropriate, derived from healthy donors (able to receive physical stress during surgery), and the network will be taken, should be appropriate for the size of blood vessels, bile, and liver conditions.

"These checks also require a long time and sophisticated," said Hirlan. Members of other liver transplant team, Bambang Sudarmanto added, until yesterday Bilqis already undergoing initial tests of complete blood tests and ultrasound.

"Investigations are still made to point to the planned phase (operation)," said Bambang.

While Bilqis father, still hoping to get through the fruit of her heart transplant in Dokter Haryadi Hospital. "I still hope and optimism and trust with the medical team here," he said.

As mentioned the possibility of receiving external donor family members, Doni admitted not thinking in that direction. He wished there was help for healing his daughter, Bilqis. Currently, Bilqis placed at the Peacock Room Second floor Dokter Kariadi hospital.

You can help bilqis through movement Coin for Bilqis.

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