Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

Bilqis Desperately Need Donor Heart

Bilqis need donor heart, her parents who are expected to help, constrained blood type differences. From the initial checkup, medical teams Dokter Kariadi hospital, Semarang, Bilqis has blood type AB, while his mother, Farida Goddess (37) blood group A and his father, Doni Ardianta Passa (33) blood group B. One of the liver transplant team members, Hirlan, described the risk of tissue rejection is very large when the force of the donor liver transplantation a different blood type. Rejection reactions can be characterized by high body temperature, increased liver enzymes and increased white blood cells.

"The team will continue to review, after which the new later determined to find another donor or donors remain with the parents of one of the risks faced," said Hirlan in Semarang, Thursday, February 4.

Until now, the medical team had yet to determine the donor liver, in addition to Bilqis parents. Problem donors will be consulted with the family. The absence of these donors, have makes liver transplantation for bilqis not be certainty when it will be done.

The requirements for donating blood type heart include appropriate, derived from healthy donors (able to receive physical stress during surgery), and the network will be taken, should be appropriate for the size of blood vessels, bile, and liver conditions.

"These checks also require a long time and sophisticated," said Hirlan. Members of other liver transplant team, Bambang Sudarmanto added, until yesterday Bilqis already undergoing initial tests of complete blood tests and ultrasound.

"Investigations are still made to point to the planned phase (operation)," said Bambang.

While Bilqis father, still hoping to get through the fruit of her heart transplant in Dokter Haryadi Hospital. "I still hope and optimism and trust with the medical team here," he said.

As mentioned the possibility of receiving external donor family members, Doni admitted not thinking in that direction. He wished there was help for healing his daughter, Bilqis. Currently, Bilqis placed at the Peacock Room Second floor Dokter Kariadi hospital.

You can help bilqis through movement Coin for Bilqis.

David Gurnani Be Slim In 5 Months, Winner The Biggest Loser Asia 2010

David Gurnani Be Slim In 5 Months, Winner The Biggest Loser Asia 2010
Posted by Seno at 8:16 PM
David Gurnani
Obese don't be hopeless, you can be slim just in 5 months. It has been proved by David Gurnani, the winner of The Biggest Loser Asia 2010. David Gurnani winning prestigious show, The Biggest Loser Asia 2010, and get a gift of a luxury car worth 70,000 U.S. dollars and cash of 100,000 U.S. dollars. David Gurnani became The Biggest Loser Asia 2010 winner. He is being the most successful participants lose weight. David Gunani managed to lose weight to 83 kg for 5 months, absolutely fantastic. According to David Gurnani, he previously weighed 157 pounds, when the last assessment David Gunani weight only 82 kg.

David Gurnani"Leave a bad lifestyle", said David Gunani when he asked about the success of David Gunani won The Biggest Loser Asia 2010. Formerly, David Gurnani live with the worst lifestyle, a day he can eat more than 7 times, so the number of calories in each day an average of more than 15,000 while the total calories your body needs on average only about 2000 calories. As a result he suffered obesity. In addition, David Gurnani previously lazy to do exercise, contributed his obesity experienced. Within 6 years his weight increased from 70 kg in 1998, and to 159 kg at the end of 2010. When David Gunani still weigh 157 pounds. When he was fat, he often felt tired and sore back.

Currently David Gurnani has really changed. David is now 25-year-old has been able to follow the usual pattern of eating as he gained while in quarantine in the The Biggest Loser Asia 2010 show. In the morning, he eats cereal, oatmeal, and fruit. At noon, David eats brown rice or whole wheat bread, chicken / meat, and vegetables. While the night she only has soup, fish, and salads. He also diligently exercising now. The size of David's shirt and pants when he was fat, when compared with the current 3 times smaller. Shirts and pants size dropped dramatically.

The success of David Gunani also be an inspiration for the obese. David's success proves that anything can be done if one wants to and has a strong intention. A strong will to provide exceptional results. Previously David was also admitted didn't want to follow the the biggest loser Asia 2010, he felt there was no point in showing off an obesity body to all people. But his father and his brother who register him to The Biggest Loser Asia 2010 show, like it or not he should go. And during the quarantine, he followed all the rules that apply include exercise for 5 hours a day.
Labels: Health, News

Benefits Drinking Water As Enaugh As The Body Needs

Benefits Drinking Water As Enaugh As The Body Needs
Posted by Seno at 7:51 PM
Rules of drinking water at least 8 glasses per day has not been disciplined by most people. Many of us who let the body of water shortage from day to day. We do not drink enough water as our body needs. In fact, water is very important, including to:

- Prevents the body from poisoning due to toxic metabolic waste.
- Helps digestion and metabolism, also carry nutrients and oxygen to cells through the blood, regulate body temperature, and lubricates the joints.
- Assist breathing. We lost a number of fluid every day while exhaling. If the amount of body fluids is not balanced, may interfere with physiological functions in the body.
- Reduce the weight or fat deposition because the water needed in metabolize fat.
- Helps strengthen muscles.
- Maintain working digestive and other organ functions.

Drinking water needs of an average of 2 liters per day. If you are overweight, often doing physical exercises, or live in hot climates, should drink more.

People sometimes fear drink plenty of water because it can often go to the bathroom to dispose of urine. Initially it could happen because the bladder is sensitive to the addition of liquids. However, after a few weeks, the bladder will get used to and more relaxed, so you do not have to bother to the bathroom. Once the urination, can get out quite a lot.

The recommended drinking water here is pure water, not beer, tea, coffee, fruit juice though, and the like. Therefore, the kind that is not pure water that contains other ingredients such as alcohol, caffeine, tannin, and sugar.


Utilizing The Urine for Health

Utilizing The Urine for Health
Posted by Seno at 3:02 AM
Urine, a liquid that only a few seconds before it was issued around the body tissue together with blood. Understanding different, causing differences in how to treat and address the urine. Is urine useless objects?. Waste? Poison? Yes and no. Urine is not useful for those who do not need it and it can be beneficial to take the gain.

From waste fabric / patchwork form, can be economical glove mattress products, bags. From municipal waste, into organic fertilizer products, plastic products, copper and so on. From cattle dung, so fertilizer, bio gas. Could human urine be useful item? Or a poison? For whom? It depend on everyone point of view. For someone urine is useful and for others useless.

But there are ten hypotheses workings of auto urine therapy, namely:

* The absorption and re-use of nutrients.
* The reabsorption of the hormone. For example, corticosteroids that can prevent infection, arthritis and asthma. Or, melatonin as tranquilizers and anti-cancer.
* The enzyme re-absorption.
* The re-absorption of urea. Urine contains 25-30 grams of urea per day.
* The immune effect.
* Bactericidal and virusida effects.
* As a useful salt therapy to facilitate metabolism, get rid of excess blood sugar, and remove toxic substances from the body fluids and tissues.
* Diuretic effect, which is to simultaneous kidneys, increase urine production, cleaning the kidneys and the wash the blood and toxic substances.
* As a holographic image. Biofeedback gives his state of the body. Drinking urine will correct and restore the balance disturbed physiology of disease.
* Giving psychological effects. This therapy is considered as the healing of the body in a mechanistic and holistic energy level.

Translated from: http://www.indonesiamedia.com/2001/may/kesehatan-0501.htm).